A new semester is upon us and Race, Roots & Resistance (R3) is entering the organisation's second year!
R3 is a democratic collective of more than eighty staff, students and community members dedicated to the critical study of race and its impact on the lived experience of people across temporal and spatial boundaries. We are a multidisciplinary group with broad specializations in the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and where relevant the Natural Sciences.
If you would like to join us please follow our new website and sign-up for our listserv by emailing list moderator Dr Kerry Pimblott (kerry.pimblott@manchester.ac.uk).
What have R3 members been up to?
In our first year, R3 members met regularly throughout the academic year to share research findings, exchange knowledge, and host public event to foster wider community awareness and understanding. Our current members are interested in:
1. Exploring the historical construction of the concept of ‘race’ and its evolution and operation under a variety of racial formations including slavery, colonialism, apartheid, and neoliberal globalization.
2. Understanding the social, economic, political, and cultural legacies of slavery, colonial, and apartheid in the societies we live, study and work.
3. Examining the ways in which People of Colour have thought about their experiences of racial oppression and their agency to transform societies, cultures, and ideas.
4. Documenting the strategies that People of Colour have employed to resist and transform racial regimes, including the formation of cultural and political movements.
5. Developing new approaches to the study of race through engagement with critical race theory and antiracist, feminist, queer and indigenous methodologies.
6. Promoting inclusive learning environments in which students of all identities and backgrounds can thrive through meaningful engagement with the fields of multicultural education and culturally responsive pedagogy.
7. Supporting a new generation of diverse undergraduate and graduate students to undertake critical research and professional activities in related areas.
8. Developing collaborative grant bids to fund Critical Race research, study, service-learning, and work placements.
9. Fostering a ‘scholar activist’ mission in which research and teaching is oriented toward solving problems and empowering communities.
In the spirit of forwarding these broad aims our members initiated a number of projects last semester including - but not limited to - the following:
The R3 Work-in-Progress Seminar
The Work-in-Progress Seminar is a small group of staff, students, and independent scholars interested in the critical study of race. Our central aim is to provide a safe and critical space to present our 'work-in-progress' in order to advance healthy intellectual community and scholarly excellence.
The seminar meets every semester with each seminar focusing on a single pre-circulated work-in-progress submitted for review by a seminar participant.
Due to the diverse and multidisciplinary nature of the R3 Collective, the concept of 'works-in-progress' should be broadly construed and might include conference papers, dissertation or book chapters, article drafts, visual media, and other creative works. All seminar participants agree to read/view the work-in-progress prior to the seminar and come prepared to offer constructive feedback and responses.
We are particularly interested in building an intellectual community that challenges traditional boundaries rooted in rank, career-stage, or position within/outside universities. With that in mind, we strongly encourage submissions of works-in-progress from postgraduate and undergraduate researchers, early-career academics, and community/independent scholars.
If you would be interested in participating in the R3 Work-in-Progress Seminar please email the facilitator Dr Kerry Pimblott (kerry.pimblott@manchester.ac.uk).
In:Colour Zine
In 2018/19, student members of the Race, Roots & Resistance Collective - Hana Ward and Amaal Cansuur-Cali - co-founded In:Colour, a zine by and for BAME creatives.
The first edition of In:Colour was released at an epic launch party attended by +200 people in Manchester City Centre in December 2018. The second edition is on its way...
BAME visual artists and writers are invited to contact the editors via Twitter (@InColourMag) for more information and to get involved.
The Global Black Freedom Movement Research Network
In September 2019, a group of R3 historians formed the Global Black Freedom Movement research network. This group aims to bring together leading researchers of Black-led movements for racial justice in the U.S., U.K., and Caribbean.
The Network held four meetings in 2018/19 designed to facilitate knowledge exchange and scope future projects including joint publications and grant submissions, schools engagement, and a collaborative strategy to recruit and mentor a new generation of diverse historians.
In September 2018, the Network convened a half-day symposium on the 'Global Black Freedom Movement' at the University of Manchester featuring invited speakers Dr Anne-Marie Angelo (Sussex), Diarra Franks (PGT, Manchester), Dr Chrisienna Fryar (Liverpool), Dr Shirin Hirsch (MMU and People's History Museum), Dr Althea Legal-Miller (Canterbury Christ Church), Dr Kennetta Hammond Perry (Stephen Lawrence Research Centre, DMU), and Dr Kerry Pimblott (Manchester).
If you would be interested in participating in the Network please contact the group's facilitator Dr Kerry Pimblott (kerry.pimblott@manchester.ac.uk).
Annual R3 Undergraduate Research Symposium
R3 members are committed to training and mentoring a new generation of diverse scholars committed to the critical study of race.
In 2018/19, Dr Jésus Chairez-Garza and Dr Kerry Pimblott co-convened the first research symposium spotlighting the dissertation research of graduating students in the discipline of History.
The ' Histories of Race, Roots & Resistance Undergraduate Research Symposium' took place on June 3, 2019 and featured presentations from history graduates Tariq Chastanet-Hird, Callum Jackson, Hana Ward, and Siena Singh.
This year we are interested in continuing this initiative and expanding participation to include other disciplines. If you are a student or staff member that would like to participate please contact Dr Jésus Chairez-Garza (jesus.chairez-garza@manchester.ac.uk) and Dr Kerry Pimblott (kerry.pimblott@manchester.ac.uk).
Resistance Lab
R3 also became a contributing partner to Resistance Lab, a Manchester-based network of staff, students and community groups dedicated to collaborative interdisciplinary research and engagement on racially disparate policing practices in Greater Manchester. Network members are drawn from the Arts, Humanities, and Social Science as well as a number of advocacy and community empowerment initiatives.
This summer, Resistance Lab's R3 members helped to initiate a working group on 'Histories of State Violence in Greater Manchester' at the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre in Manchester. If you would be interested in learning more about this working group please contact Dr Kerry Pimblott (kerry.pimblott@manchester.ac.uk)
New This Year: R3 Public Lecture Series
In 2019/20, R3 members would like to initiate a public lecture series to bring visiting speakers on critical race-related issues to campus. If you would be interested in helping to organise the speaker series please contact us directly.
We are a Collective so we are also very interested in members proposing and developing their own initiatives. Please do stay in touch and get involved in AY2019/20!